ISLAMICA 500 is a brand and platform of independent professional firms of Brainmatch Scs.

Brainmatch SCS  is a company registered in Belgium whose registered office is at rue Camille Lemonnier 39/7 – 1050 Brussels – Belgium.

ISFIN aims to be the world’s leading advisory for Islamic markets. Although ISFIN is not a worldwide partnership, the firms share a commitment to providing the same high quality service to their clients wherever they are doing business.

ISFIN is a non-practising international umbrella organisation and does not deliver regulated legal, tax, audit, banking services and advises in its own name. Each partner firm in ISFIN is a separate independent firm. No partner firm is responsible for the services or activities of any other.

In the preparation of this site, every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct and clearly expressed information possible. Nonetheless, inadvertent errors can occur and applicable laws, rules and regulations often change. Information on Isfin’s website should not be acted upon before seeking professional advice.

Furthermore, information on this site is intended to afford general guidelines on matters of interest. The application and impact of the laws can vary widely, however, from case to case, based upon the specific or unique facts involved. Accordingly, the information in this site is not intended to serve as legal, accounting, financial or tax advice.

Copyright © ISFIN (Brainmatch Scs). All rights reserved.

No part of the text or graphics on this site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including by photocopying, facsimile transmission, recording, re-keying, or using any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from ISFIN.

Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to: