At a time when many markets are reaching a saturation point, the Muslims comprise one of the fastest growing markets in the world and offer a major growth opportunity for businesses around the world. The market for Halal or Shariah-compliant products and services will soon total $3 trillion annually. Every month, new economic players are tapping in this emerging segment with rebranded or tailored products.

The Islamic economy is a sophisticated market. Tapping in that sector requires a fine understanding of its components, risks and opportunities. To address the Muslim consumer, a company will evaluate if it needs to reconfigure its production or simply its branding, if a halal certification is required, if there will be an impact on the supply chain and/or the marketing, which particular country market is appealing to its products, how to handle local distributors, etc…

It would be a lack of corporate leadership not to look at the Islamic markets or the Muslim segment which encompass one consumer out of five in the world.

However, tapping into the Muslim segment requires that you master both the right context and contacts.

The ISLAMICA 500 offers a specific idea of the sophistication of the Islamic economy and the people you ought to know and talk to.

More on

Defining a strategy for the Islamic markets:             Conducting operations in the Islamic markets & the Halal industry: